Friday, March 9, 2018

Bacc: Week 7. 'F'

Well. I took more pictures than I remember.

On with the F. family in Week 7! Hopefully we'll get some of these damn kids out of this house this chapter!

Frederick is rocking that hairstyle even though he elderfied last week.

Fiona is happily watching Fay play the pinball machine.

All these kids have maxed gaming enthusiasm. Shocker right?

Flynn and Fletcher are bonding. Over games.

As are our youngest twins Felicia and, our heiress for this household, Felicity.

Again..that maxed gaming enthusiasm shines through.

If you didn't have enough proof. I'm complaining like I don't do the same thing day after day XD

Trina is skilling up for her dance career. She's very close to topping it at this point.

The house got a remodel because it was SUPER cramped.

I'm not sure about the layout yet, but I'm also not too concerned.

Fay started a light flirtation with Henry. Two-bolts, so not too bad!

Fletcher had a want to make a wish.

Fletcher was made slightly happier. I usually just ask for money so this was a bit disappointing.

Geez Flynn can be mean XD

Fay invited Henry over and they flirted a bit more.

It was at this time I had a brilliant idea!

No one has topped the Culinary career yet so there is only one opening currently. Fiona is a Romance/Grilled Cheese sim.

Grilled Cheese restaurant!

Admittedly, not entirely original, I seem to recall a certain uglacy with a cheesy eatery, but it seems like a lot of fun XD

Here's the lot I built. I have called it 'For the Love of Cheese'. It offers only the cheesiest of culinary delights!

I went overboard building it honestly, it's going to cost Fiona 80,000.

They have 50,000 already, surely it won't take them long?

I start with Fiona asking for money.


The teens did a crap ton of digging the next two days. Slowly the household funds began to climb.

Birthday time!

Felicia went first and she is a Fortune/Knowledge sim who wants to become the Head of the SCIA.

Felicity is next!

Daww. She is a Family/Knowledge sim who wants to be Chief of Staff. Easy enough!

Got quite the haul out of somebody! I can't remember who. My bad.

Every. Day. Fiona has three bolts with Henry. I think I'm going to let this happen because Fay never got to the 'crush' stage with him so nobody's feeling are going to get hurt.

And they are super cute :D

Although, I think he's a week younger than her... maybe. Oh well, she can wait.

Lol. Faye brought Gilbert G. home and guess who had three bolts?

Yep. I'm pairing everybody up in this house XD

Yay! Way to top your career Trina! Before you elderfied too!

I did try to get Flynn to match up with somebody. But, alas, no one was interested. 

Well. At least the cat loves him.

Happy Birthday Trina! Bold wardrobe choice!

And Flynn finally left for college. 

...can we get 3/6 hooked up?

Aww yisssss.

Looks like Felicia and Gabriel G. are going to be a thing too!

Fay locks Gilbert down.


Hey, I know you're working on your LTW but we finally have enough money for you to buy 'For the Love of Cheese'!

So I sent four of the teens to the restaurant to get it started! 

I believe Fiona, Fletcher, Fay and Felicity were the volunteers.

Fay rolled the wish to get a sales badge so she was the hostess.

Fiona cooked, Fletcher and Felicity were the servers.

I think they managed to get to rank 4 before heading home.

It's time for Fiona to grow into adulthood.


Better! She moved out after her makeover, but we'll be seeing her later on this week.

Felicity and Felicia are drawn to each other. I would say it's a twin thing, but the other two sets aren't like this.


Fletcher hangs out with mom and dad.

And Monday morning rolls around with Felicity pulling a cute face while...playing video games.

Gotta love this family.

Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!

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