Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Bacc: Week 4. 'H'

Hello and welcome back to Happy Land!

We are with a brand new household this chapter!

This is Hannah H. and she is the 8th household for this neighborhood! Which unlocks another free community lot but we'll get to that another time.

Hannah here is a fortune sim that wants to be a Prestidigitator (or whatever). This was a problem since the rules state that only sims who grew up with max charisma can get that job. Obviously as a CAS Hannah isn't eligible.

So I'm bending the rules a bit. 

Hannah can get the job if she completes three objectives. 

1. Max Charisma
2. Max Creativity
3. Open a Comedy Club and get it to level 5.

After that she can apply.

Hannah moved in across from the A. family and you can see the row of houses. They all need more trees.

Speaking of which here is Hannah's humble abode. She has all the necessary features.

She also snags the open Culinary position since no one else has it yet. She'll quit if another sim rolls the LTW for it.

Lora D. was part of the welcome crew, along with Frederick F. and Jerry B.

Yes Hannah is digging, but not for the community lot she is destined to open. I have another destination in mind for her troubles.

Hannah: "That was the worst pun ever"

Shut up!

She was pretty tuckered.

She got her creativity up to level 6 on Thursday.

And she has enough funds so she decided to make the call.

A vacation to the Far East it is!

I bet Gina G. is so jealous!

She checked into the Steaming Dragon. Sounds...dangerous. Or delicious!

Of course she had to go see the sights!

I was so excited to see a random child! I don't know why my neighborhood won't spawn any children or teens :(

Why are you in your undies Hannah?!

Clearly introducing herself to Arianna here was more important than getting dressed.


Didn't stop Hannah from laying on the moves *wink wink*

Arianna is cute enough. Plus they have two-bolts! That's always good enough for me!

But Hannah doesn't just mess around with Arianna, she has some fun with the other guests as well.

Although that guy was being a real ass to this old lady. I kind of wanted to punish him somehow but I never got around to it.

As I sent Hannah around to the various community lots. Corbin Gray piddled himself.

Hannah enjoyed the local cuisine. Although Gina did open up an Asian eatery last chapter so she could have had that at home.

Times were hard in the leaf village...even the most seasoned of ninjas had to take on second, even third jobs.

Sasuke Uchiha was one of those ninjas.

Not but seriously?! XD

Hannah learned the deep tissue massage from Sasuke here.

Then she got digging. I really should of had her do this before leaving but I didn't think about it.

She did eventually find the map but it took forever.

She did everything right once she got there.

But then she started acting like an ass.

Needless to say she didn't learn the legend.

She did learn that tai jutsu stuff. (I forgot what it was called sorry)

She spent her last few hours playing mah-jong.

She was left with two-hundred dollars after the whole thing. I didn't plan that well at all XD

Before the shuttle got there Hannah wanted to cement her relationship with Arianna.

And cement it they did.

Like really cemented.

For goodness sake Hannah your shuttle is here let the poor girl breathe.

As soon as she got home Hannah called her up. Arianna is officially moved in.

She is gorgeous after her makover :D

Arianna is a family sim

It's Saturday evening and Hannah isn't getting any younger.

Wow that was particularly quick!

Arianna is NOT taking pregnancy well. One of the worst I've ever seen really.

But Hannah was a big supporter. 

She's doing pretty well at her job in culinary actually. It's too bad she's gotta wait to get her dream job.

Aww <3

~le bump

She was puking pretty bad even after she popped. Poor dear.

Arianna moved in with 17k so a little remodel was in order. This is the house as is.

And early Monday morning has Arianna and Hannah being frisky on the couch.

That's all for the H. family this week!

Next time we get to see our very first sim go to Euphoric University!

Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!

Bacc: Week 4. 'G'

This Bacc is too addicting, I can't stop!

Welcome back to the G. family! Last time Gina, a far east enthusiast, moved to Happy Land! She has dreams of being a journalist but since there aren't 1000 people in town yet she settled for the military. 

She also met and moved in Christopher and they had a baby boy together named George.

As soon as Gina came back from her shift at work...

...she popped! George has a sibling on the way.

Poor Christopher has been digging all day to get the funds to open up their business.

Even though she's pregnant Gina gives a helping hand.

Once they were both worn out I let them relax and go on a date. Christopher (finally) rolled the want to marry Gina so marry them I did.

Christopher becomes Christopher G.

Here is baby George. But he's not going to be a baby too much longer.

Happy Birthday George!

Wow he actually grew up in a cute outfit and with cute hair! I don't have to make him over at all!

Christopher teaching valuable life skills.

~le bump

Holy cow Christopher! Way to go!

Here is Gina's new business! It's just a little Asian eatery with a few activities on the side. 

I'm actually pretty proud of how it turned out :D

But before I send Gina there to start selling noodles it's time for MOAR BABIEZ!

Hey the population isn't going to boost itself!

Odd time but isn't she just adorable?

Welcome baby Gwendolyn!

Little late there Chris.

Or not. WTF? Why am I getting so many twins?! Oh well. This baby is a boy named Gabriel.

The next night it's time for some more birthdays.

First up is George who grew up rather handsomely.

Next is Gabriel.

Lol the pink hair. He's going to be a main character just wait!

Last but not least is Gwendolyn. Or Gwen for short.

She's also cute but you can't really see her through the confetti.

Yes Gina, Gabriel is going to read your diary. *rolls eyes*

Yes she's pregnant again.

Lol she popped right after I took that last picture.

No time like the present and Gina is finally able to go to her business which I've named 'Authentic Asian Cuisine'. 

Is this considered cultural appropriation?

Gina rolled the wish to throw a coin into the shrine.

The shrine was not pleased!

'Not even an ocean of calamine lotion will ease the pain' (or something like that)

Gina was itchy for a little bit.

Even with a rash Gina got a best of the best award.

Carol stopped by and enjoyed the zen garden.

Aaron had some noodles and in the back you can see Gina chatting with Trina.

Aww <3

Hahaha ok you guys can go to bed. XD

Christopher is a very easy sim to take care of. I never have problems with him!

And he is great with his kids. Here he is singing the nursery rhyme with Gwen for the last time!

Time for the twins' birthdays. First up is Gabriel.

I apologize I guess I didn't get a child picture whoops. 

Guess he's not the main character XD

And now it's Gwen's turn.

I got her picture! She's totes adorbz!

I sent Gwen to the wardrobe to change clothes and as soon as I was done the camera pulled me outside.

Geez it's early Monday morning and you choose now?

Well ok then. This is a little boy named Gavin!

Followed by his brother Gilbert.


Ok I checked the odds to see if they've been changed somehow and no. The odds are at the default setting. That's only a 15% chance for twins. HOW?

Christopher is excited but look at Gina's face lol. She's just a knowledge sim! Five kids weren't in her plans I'm sure.

As it's Monday morning it's getting time to leave this family until next week. Above you will see Gabriel (pink hair) and George.

And Gwen hanging out on the couch with her parents.

After the kids went to school and Gina went to work Christopher was left by himself. 

Until next time!

Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!