Monday, March 26, 2018

Bacc: Week 7. 'C.4'

There is a special place in my heart for short chapters!

We are with Cherish C. this chapter!

She is excited.

Toby came along with her. They are 'in love' and all, but as a fortune sim and a popularity sim respectively, they rarely show it.

I'm looking at them as a kind of power duo!

Cherish had some stuff stashed in her inventory so I was able to build a pretty nice starter home for them. Sorry for the grid.

Cherish and Toby went and got their dream jobs. (And some new threads, obviously)

Cherish went into the Law.

And Toby went into Politics. He and Chris B. are in this track, it'll be a race to see who will be Mayor!

They have similar schedules and aversions to the sun!


Promotion for Toby as well!

Much of the week went like this. 

At one point they needed more family friends so Cherish had many forced conversations at the Athletic Lot.

Kaitlyn K. is so cute <3

These two are so in sync it's weird.


You guys need to do something with all of this extra money...

A new business! Huzzah!

I've called it 'Cherish Your Childhood'

Just kid stuff really.

Cherish was on sales duty since she rolled the wish to get a badge in it.

She was gold by the time they went home!

And the business was a level 5! They went home with far more money than they went in with!

They are growing on me that's for certain.


I see that want you've rolled Toby. I suppose I'll allow it, rather strange for a popularity sim though.

Yup. He wants to make an honest woman of Cherish! But she clearly wears the pants in this relationship lol.

And it's done. Toby joins the C. family!

...of course.

Well it's Monday morning so we'll have to wait for the nooboo until next week!

Until then, thank you for reading and Happy Simming!

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Bacc: Week 7. 'C.3'

And we are back with the C.3 family! My god, this week was...interesting.


Last time, Lydia here decided to throw quads at me. This is Canna.



..and Carrie is carrying Camellia.

Carrie was a lot of help with the quads! Between her and Lydia they managed to get the tots all skilled up.

As a reward, I let Carrie switch to the Athletic career, which is her new LTW.

...I should've known. Her and Derek have three-bolts together. That and risky woohoo. Please, no multiples!


*lowers risky woohoo chance

Well at least the toddlers are growing up!

First up was Cactus.


Then Canna!



Finally. I can breathe a little bit!

We haven't seen too much of the men in this house...and that's because Calvin is on garden duty until further notice. He and Derek also work nearly every day.

...yeah, I missed a day or so. Time for Carrie's first child to make an appearance!

It's a little boy! I've named him Clayton!

He has his father's brown hair and both of his parents' brown eyes.

It's Lydia's turn!

*she has been told that if she has multiples I will delete her

She listened well! She had a little girl I've named Calluna.

Babs! She is here because the babies are growing up!

Oh of Derek's old flames was walking by just as he and Carrie were getting busy. Whoops.


Carrie puts Clayton on the ground so she can pop! This house is going to be way too full, there are already 10 people. *heavy sigh*

But it's a birthday! We are going to perk up!

Clayton looks exactly like how Derek looked when he was a toddler. Well at least we'll know how he'll turn out.

...I'm going to have to separate these families aren't I?


Calvin, as a way to give him a little bit of facetime this chapter, gets to cake Calluna.


She doesn't look like her older four siblings! I'm very happy with her!

They had quite a bit of extra money at this point, so I decided that we should get these SM points up.

Welcome to 'Swing Low, Sweet Chairiot'

A chair store. I'm hilarious.

This store was purchased by Lydia, but I put Carrie on selling duty. I caught her being cute with her baby bump :D

Lydia was on register duty! As you can see, they've already received a best-of-the-best award! Derek's ex-fling from earlier in the chapter popped by and just plummeted their stars. And ended her shopping spree by telling Carrie that she would be getting a demotion the next time she went to work.

I agree with Carrie there...what a b****!

We met the new bad witch! She's old unfortunately. But we worked around that with Kerie right?

The business got to level 5 and Lydia took the cash bonuses and went home.

For a knowledge sim, Lydia is very kid-oriented. She bee-lined straight for Calluna when she got home.

The extra money came in handy for renovating the top floor! The older girls got a cute new bedroom.

As did the boys. Sorry for the crappy pictures!

It's very cute and all, but could you guys take it inside? It's raining!

...Calvin still exists. He's growing eggplant so that the I won't have to worry about the kids' skills further down the line.

Carrie peed herself. I'm so good at simming.

At least the kids get along. Is this week over yet? It seems like it's never-ending.

These two make me smile. They are very sweet to each other.

And the week is over! The kids are off to school and Carrie is being stupid and jumping in puddles during a thunderstorm.

Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!