Sunday, February 18, 2018

Bacc: Week 7. 'A'

I am so excited to start Week 7 off with a fun chapter!


Anita has moved back in from college and is ready to leave her mark on Happy Land.

She brought her boo home with her. His name is Jim Centowski and he is a...Fortune sim I think? I do remember that he wants to top the Athletic career. Anita wants to follow in her father's footsteps and become a Business Tycoon. I'm all for it since that means that we could potentially open another business district :D

Archer is still here, but I'll be moving him out today because I don't want him getting too old before I move him into the D. household.

Aaron just kind of does whatever. His 'Raise 20 puppies or kittens' LTW is killing me!

Cassidy is still around too. She hasn't quite topped her career yet, but she's close.

Here is Archer moving out. We'll see him in the D. household where he will be marrying Delilah.

Aww! So sweet!

I did give them new clothes, and even though neither one rolled the want, I figured it would be better if they got hitched. But they had to get engaged first.

They don't seem too put out.

Wedding time!

It'll be nice to see the family again! Plus some college friends!

Omg Carrie is hearfarting Brandi XD

You're a little too old and a little too married my dear.

I found the Prof. and Annabeth being super cute though <3

I don't know what happened, but the marriage ceremony kept glitching.

But we eventually got there.

Jim became Jim A.

Ami decided to have her puppies right in the middle of the wedding.

Aqua and Azurra. I think that brings the total puppy count up to 13. Dear god I'm never finishing this.

But back to the festivities!

Haha Anita is a shover :D

Look at those cheeks!

The wedding was a big success. Btw I love that messy tux look, it's smexy.

Anita finds her dream job on the computer.

Jim's job hasn't popped up yet, but he does have a want in his panel that I'd be happy to do!

With that, Jim purchases the neighborhoods first Art Gallery! I've named it 'Those Squiggly Lines'.

Cassidy admires Jim for his purchase, and I thought she was trying to seduce him for a moment because she was wearing her underwear. But...

She talked to everyone in her underwear that day XD

Everyone seems to think that Annabeth's baby bump is the best thing ever. I can't disagree.

Of course. I should've known that Anita would top her career in one day. Whelp. Now we have another business tycoon, now we just need another level 10 business and we can open another business district.

With that in mind, I sent them to 'Those Squiggly Lines'. They, however, only managed to get to level 6 before I got sick of it and sent them home. They did bring home quite a bit of cash. Enough to buy another business that I had built for Anita back in her college days.

But a little extra funding doesn't hurt either :D


Jim still hasn't found his dream job on the computer so I sent him to find it on the military lot.

Athletic career, here we come!

He didn't have all the skills I knew he would eventually need so I made him get started.

*cracks whip*

Oh hey, Acer grew up. And was promptly sold to make room for more puppies/babies.

Jim was promoted!

I thought about waiting until Aaron had finished his stupid 20 puppy LTW but then I remembered that elixer exists and I can just extend his life until his LTW is finished.

So we start making some babies :D

Ok I'll stop creeping now.

I love that stupid duckie. And Anita is pretty cute without her glasses. Hmm.

Brandi is a beloved family friend! She's literally best friends with everyone in the house.

I could kill Hannah H. for teaching everyone that tai jutsu thing, that's all anyone ever does.

Aaron loves those drums let me tell ya.


I'm thankful for Cassidy's garden because it makes all of their food sparkly and fills up Anita's pregnant belly much easier.


I knew that this was coming but it's always sad to see a pet die.

Oh. I forgot to mention that Aqua and Azurra grew up. Although, you're looking at just Aqua and Ami right now.

Their howls break my heart :'( yeah I sold Ami and Aqua. I kept Azurra because she was pretty cute and I adopted a boy puppy, Aeo, that she can have puppies with later.

~bump dos

I think Anita is nesting haha.

She got pregnant at the perfect time. She's not missing any work at all.

I really love her, I'm so happy she's the one that got to stay here :D

Jim got promoted again! And brought Brandi here yay!

Even better, we have a new arrival!

Daww she has red hair like her daddy! Everyone meet Aria!

And with Anita not being pregnant anymore, I figured it would be safe for her buy, and run the lot I've made for her.

I've called it 'A Library'. I'm a creative individual.

Lol Cassidy XD

There are two bathrooms why didn't you use the other one?

They aren't going to talk about her little 'accident'.

Anita was a sweet mother.

And as soon as Jim got back from work I sent them both off to the new lot. And, unlike 'Those Squiggly Lines', I took pictures!

It attracted some interesting patrons that's for sure.

They left as soon as the lot reached level 5. And took those cash bonuses with them.

I face-palmed really hard after this.

Jim had the want to wish from the lamp and I was like 'OK sounds good' but as soon as I clicked it, I realized that I could have had Aaron wish for Lifetime Happiness or whatever and I missed the chance.

I'm so stupid!

Ah well. Jim being cute with Aria made me feel better.

Actually, everyone loves Aria. They were all scrambling for a turn!

And we end the week with Aaron playing around with Azurra.

Thanks for reading and Happy Simming! Next up, the B. house!

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