Sunday, July 30, 2017

Bacc: Week 5. 'College C'

Oh boy! Another college chapter!

I try to keep these short because I hate college but this one seemed to drag a bit. But I hope you enjoy it anyways!

This chapter is focused on the C. children from the previous week.

During the last college chapter where Christine founded the C. college house she invited Sheldon here to be the placeholder. This makes him playable and he will count towards the population.

Now he will welcome the new C. kids.

Carrie and Calvin!

I almost like Carrie in that outfit, I'm getting strong Moana vibes and I dig it. Calvin looks perfectly nerdy which is also fitting. But I love makeovers so makeovers they got.

Gave Sheldon one too while I was at it!

Carrie's LTW is to woohoo 20 sims so I send her off to meet some eligible men.

Shockingly she had three bolts with the good warlock!

That was quick! I don't have ACR installed so getting to this point is somewhat difficult.

Carrie invited her teenage boyfriend, Derek D., over to help with her woohoo quest. They still have three bolts. 

They are still so cute together <3

I hope she finishes this LTW before college is over. It'd be nice to have these two get married and live together.

Sheldon rolled the wish to flirt so I took it a step further and had him order a date.

This girl showed up. She's pretty cute, I'm happy with it.

They're happy with it too. I can't seem to remember what kind of sim Sheldon is. It's either popularity or fortune. I think he wants to be mayor or something. I honestly can't remember.

Calvin was next because his teenage girlfriend is way too young for him to wait on. So we wait on his gypsy-summoned date.

Lol while that was happening Sheldon's date dropped off a Jacuzzi! I thought about selling it but it gave me inspiration to do something else.

Outside makeover! It's pretty now!

But Calvin's date did appear and things got on swimmingly.

They had a great time despite what their faces say here!

Damn it Carrie!

Carrie: "How am I to blame for getting hit by lightning?!"

Why are you hanging out in the hot tub during a storm?!



You're lucky your brother loves you Carrie.

You're lucky that he's lucky too!

Carrie: "lol I defeated death"

Calvin: "No Carrie, that would be me"

Death: "Oh sod off!"

Carrie decides to devote her free time playing soccer with one of her many lovers.

I just remembered Sheldon's LTW! It's to own five top level business's! *head desk*

I thought it would be nice if he opened a hair salon! Since Happy Land doesn't have one yet.

He did a good job!

(I did a good job)

Hey they got a lamp! I think I put it in Carrie's inventory. I should have put it in Sheldon's since he is going to need the extra money. Oh well.

Everyone gathers in the hot tub of death for their last night in college. Don't know what that guy in the corner is saying but it is clearly horrifying to Sheldon and Calvin.

(I just realized that Sheldon and Calvin are the nerdiest names ever and they just happen to be college roomies XD)

Sheldon goes first since he has like three hours on Calvin and Carrie.

See you next round Sheldon!

And Calvin follows.


Carrie still hasn't had 20 woohoo's so she's working on that.

Carrie invited one of her friends to be placeholder until the next round of C. children go to college. After snagging a quick woohoo with him she decides to go home.

It was fun playing you during college Carrie. Your LTW ensured I was never bored, even though you only had 16 lovers instead of the twenty. Ah well you'll finish up later.

And off she goes!

There is one more college round to go before week 6 begins. Stats will be put up at the end of the next chapter.

Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!

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