Sunday, May 20, 2018

Bacc: Week 7. 'McClellan'

Week 7 is drawing closer and closer to the end. In fact, there's just one more household to play!
Well...and the college kids, but as I'm not looking forwards to that part, I'm not counting it.

On to the McClellans!

Brittany is as lovely as ever. She got her dream job in the Music Career last time and surprised me with triplets!

Sheldon is still in the Education career.

His dream is to own 10 top-level business's, but they only own two at the moment.

Hey, it's hard with three babies to take care of!

And here are...the lovely surprises.

I can't tell from this picture, but there are two boys and a girl. Tiger, Bear, and Butterfly.

I'm great at naming sims :D

No. More. Babies.

Immediately turns pregnancy off

They are cute though.

Yep. Time for the potatoes to sprout.

First up is Tiger.

I should have named the red-headed boy Tiger. Ah well. He's a cutie.

This is Bear!

He's kinda funny looking at the moment, but I'm sure he'll grow into it.

And last up, our only girl, Butterfly!


Here is the only picture of them together because they were a nightmare.

Adorable little nightmares.

Brittany is rocking her rockstar outfit!

Sheldon purchases the family's third business, 'Your First Arcade'.

It's just an arcade. Filled with arcade games, a couple pool tables, and a karaoke machine.

Sheldon got it to level 3 on his own and went home. We'll see it more later on.

It's the triplets birthday today so Sheldon is finishing up on their skills.

Bear is the first to grow up.

He sorta grew into his chin. I think he'll be passable when he gets older.

Butterfly was next up.

Darn. I almost never get to use this hair, and I thought it would be great for Butterfly, but I don't think it suits her face.

She's a sweet looking girl though <3

I nearly missed Tiger's birthday!

Thank god they are out of diapers. I think we should celebrate.

The whole family went to the arcade! Much gaming fun was had.

And they hung out with each other as well.

Parents were running the business, but it was a piece of cake.

Lots of locals stopped by! Kind of hard to miss Calvin here.

Tiger was quite the entertainer.

And by the time the family went home, the lot was at a level 7.

Brittany was unfortunate enough to have to turn right back around and go to work, but she came home with a promotion!

Get it girl!

Sunday morning was interesting, in that the whole family managed to sit down at once for a meal.

Oh these two :D

Monday morning comes with a sweet picture.

Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!

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