Hello dear readers!
This time in Happy Land we are with the E. Family!
And this Monday morning starts with.. the nanny.
Well the kids are at school and Emily and Luc are at work!
Baby Elizabeth is sleeping soundly.
As soon as the kids get back from school they do their homework.
And it's time for Elizabeth's birthday!
I may just start calling her Eliza because that's quite a typeful.
One thing I like about the Sims 2 is that everyone gathers around for the birthday. They only kind of do it in the sims 4.
As expected she is very cute. Although all three kids inherited Luc's nose. That's not necessarily a bad thing but it's a very distinct nose! What's wrong with Emily's cute little button nose?
Eliza is going to be the last child for this couple.
Time for that beloved smart milk. I honestly don't know how people play without it.
Radioactive children are the best children <3
Eric does cute little things like this a lot. I love him!
Emily and Luc continue to be the most autonomously loving couple in my game.
Luc: "We should get a grill"
Or not.
Yet another birthday? Why yes! It is a Bacc after all!
Very pretty :D
Esther is a Family/Pleasure sim who wants to be a Captain Hero.
Well it's a good thing her dad wants to be a Criminal Mastermind. Too many people want to be a Captain Hero and I haven't had enough fires or burglaries to supply.

Speaking of Luc becoming a Criminal Mastermind the spot hasn't opened up on the computer for four days.
So I installed the Job Billboard thing. I put it on the Military Base so that other sims who are also having that problem can go find the job of their dreams.
Back at home Esther has had her makeover!
And after roll of the dice Esther is our heiress. She looks very happy about that doesn't she?
Eric is skilling away all by himself. Good, save us some money on tuition.
He's a skilling machine I tell ya!
Emily works on her flower badge because she's opening up that damn flower shop by god!
But before we start that it's time for Eliza to become a child.
Happy Birthday Eliza!
Emily gets a promotion to Vice President. Unfortunately it's her last promotion for this week which means we can't open another business district. We'll have to wait until next week I suppose.
Esther procrastinates a lot. I tell her to skill and she ignores me to play video games. I can relate.
Eric is the sweetest child. I'm almost sad he's growing up soon :'(
Esther is mean as hell and even she loves him!
Emily finally had enough stock to open up La Flora! It's just going to be an outdoors market really.
I brought Esther along to do sales because she's going to inherit the business when she takes over. They got it up to level 5 fairly quickly!
Luc spends some quality time with Eliza by swinging her around.
Esther was in the red (I don't know why) so I decided to satisfy that 'first kiss' want that she had.
Aww Calvin!
He's a bit old for you dear but it won't hurt anything.
Some flirting ensued.
Along with some fun!
And the first kiss was had.
Along with many more!
It was a very successful first date. They have two bolts but Calvin is going off to college next rotation and Esther just grew into a teen so I don't see it going anywhere.
Because it is also Eric's birthday I got him a present that he's wanted all week.
Everyone meet Eevee.
Calvin left a bust. Very Calvin-like I must say.
Happy Birthday Eric!
Oh my. He's really cute isn't he?
Eric is a Knowledge/Popularity sim. He hadn't rolled an LTW before the rotation finished so we'll see what he wants next time.
Esther did something very un-Esther like by tucking in Eliza.
Early Monday morning Eric got a makeover before his first day of high school. I think he's a doll.
And that is it for the E. family this week! And after some math I've discovered that I have 15 CAS sims tacked up so there may be a few more household added for this week!
Until next time, Happy Simming!
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