Thursday, May 11, 2017

Bacc: Week 4. 'B'

And we are back with the B. family! Buckle up because this family has been through a lot this week!

Last time nothing really happened so we'll just get right into it!

Merlin is getting rather old and it doesn't seem like he's going to finish his aspiration in time.

So I have him stop skilling so that he can do whatever he wants for the last day of his life.

Brittney got a job in the military last week and she is doing a great job bringing home the bacon. Literally.

Let's play spot the cat! But here is a picture of the girls!

Brittney is not going to be aging up this round because I have plans for her.

Last time little Bali here was adopted. I was hoping that she would get along with either Bing or Bong but they haven't even introduced themselves yet so it could be a while.

And here Bali is all grown-up!

Bing is like "Who tf are you?"

Bridgette and Bailey came home with a couple friends.

Esther from the E. family.

And Delilah from the D. family.

Who both promptly ignored Bridgette and Bailey in favor of the fun toys.

Bailey: "Don't worry, we grow up tonight anyways! Who needs pretty Esther or copycat hat Delilah?"

You tell em' Bailey.

Merlin: "Checkmate. I say I do feel peculiar"


It is indeed Merlin's time.

Although I don't think Grim needed to drive his scythe through his head finish him off.

Poor Brittney was devastated.

Then the kids had to come out and see it.

Well Merlin you were definitely not my first choice. And you produced some beastly children. But Brittney adored you anyhow. 

I suppose you were an ok sim all around. Have fun in paradise!

Yeah. Brittney was distraught.

Aspiration failure is strangely entertaining to me. I don't purposefully put my sims in these situations but..

I always enjoy the show!

Once Brittney was put back to her normal mental state I felt it was the perfect time to find another hubby for her.

Do you remember him? His name is Jerry and he and Brittney became very close friends last chapter. They also happen to share two bolts!

And because they were already friends the following romantic pictures happened without a hitch.

And not six hours after Merlin's passing Brittney is engaged to another man. 

And got busy! I heard a lullaby!

Jerry moved in with 10k and a job in the athletic career. After a change into some formal wear and a quick call into work to announce Jerry was quitting this couple was ready for a cute, private ceremony.


And with that Jerry became Jerry B.

Brittney was still considerably older than Jerry so she drank the rest of the elixir so that she had plenty of time to spend with Jerry.

And her future six children since Jerry's a family sim with the LTW to marry off those six children. 


Brittney is already pregnant. This was just for funsies!

Since Merlin passed away last night it didn't feel right to have his twins Bailey and Bridgette age up. But today is a new day!

Brittney enjoys her children being children one last time.

Time for the party!

Carrie came home with Brandi and Eric, the blonde boy in the front, came home with Bailey. So a nice little birthday party in order!

Bridgette blew hers out first.

Oh maxis why?!

Bridgette grew up a Knowledge/Popularity sim who wants to be a General. SO DOABLE!!

Bailey is a Knowledge/Romance sim that wants to be a City Planner. Hmm. There is a spot in the architecture career open so that is also doable.

Here they are with their makeovers! Now that they are older I can see that Bridgette actually has her mother's chin! It was indiscernible to me before. 

I also gave Brandi a little makeover!

They almost look cute in this picture :D 

Since Brittney is getting a new start with a new man I gave her a makeover. Jerry too!

~le bump

I'm not sure why he's eating like that. I mean he only has four neat points but isn't that enough to eat like a civilized person?

Jerry tries to bond with his new stepdaughters! 

~le bump dos

Bailey has maxed out both creativity and logic. So I guess the science career has opened up to her.

Brittney is literally stunning.

Batty got old.

I love these pregnancy dresses :D

I am super excited about these babies! They are going to be so cute!

Diana came home with Brandi and had some fun playing rock-paper-scissors.

I discovered that Bailey is gay and she had a little flirt with Annabelle A.

These sisters are very close <3

Brittney needs some body points for her military career and so she's been glued to the ballet bar.

We're never getting those body point are we?

I guess it's for a good cause. Welcome another little girl Blanche (I've been binge watching Golden Girls)! She has red hair and both of their parents blue eyes.

Why are you passing her off?!


Anyways welcome the first little boy in the family, Bo.

Jerry was a doting father.

And Brittney, as always, is a doting mother.

I have decided that I am tired of the pace that the college fund is growing. So after reading several other Bacc's to see how they get their funds I've decided to the 'camping out on the lot' route until they get enough money to get a college.

So here's 'Jerry's Melody Showhouse' 

Btw this unlocks the music career! Whoot!

Brittney already has the 'dazzle' technique so I let her do her thing while Jerry hung out with the guests.

After they got the lot to level 2 they could afford to add bathrooms. Good thing too because Brittney had already piddled herself once and I had to send them home super quick so she could clean up.

Between the tent, the grill, the bathrooms, and Jerry for those dream dates Brittney was able to bump up the business to level 7 in no time! (roughly 1 sim week)

Although her way of making friends is peculiar.

Brittney's dazzling skill and the ticket machine being set at 999$ gave the B. family nearly 600,000 buckaroos. Which of course means that Happy Land can finally build a University!

I haven't built it yet so I'm not going to add to the sim multiplier just yet but I will give Brittney the naming rights and have her set the ground rules for 'acceptance' into the university.


Brittney: "Well I've thought about it, and since our name for the town is Happy Land I thought I'd continue the theme"

Oh no

Brittney: "Oh yes! I've decided to name our new college Euphoric University!"

That is genuinely terrible. But it'll do.

What about the rules for acceptance?

Brittney: "Ok well our teens first have to roll the want to go"


Brittney: "Colleges also can't run themselves. Tuition is 10,000 per student. But if they get scholarships they can subtract the scholarship from the tuition"

All right we have a game plan!

These two are so sweet :D

Looks like Bailey is going to be this family's portrait painter!

And it's Sunday night/Early Monday morning! Time for those babies to grow up before we move on to the next house!

First up is Blanche

Looks just like her mother except for the hair and skin tone.

And now Bo!

Who looks just like his father except he's got his mother's elf ears. Well you've got four more kids to mix up those genes a little bit more

And we end the week with a little aspiration boost in the tent before Brittney goes to work.

Well only two families into this week and we already have made a huge headway into this challenge! I'm excited to see what the C. family will do!

Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!

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