Hello everyone! Welcome back to Happy Land (hopefully soon to be renamed!)
We are in the C. family this chapter for their week 3 segment! The C. family is the most well-off at the moment and is the house smack dab in the middle (not including the inhabited lot at the end)
Last time Carol and Rishell adopted one more child and had one more naturally. All together they have three girls and a boy.
Their youngest is Cherish, who is growing up shortly after Carol finishes up her skills.
With a break to have some 'mommy time'.
Carrie brought Diana home from school and even thought the conversation was pleasant Diana still looks mad af.

Christine brought home her best friend Annabelle. It was at this point I realized that these are both Romance/Pleasure sims or some variation and it wouldn't be bad to get some aspiration points out of their friendship!
Christine asks her on a date! They have two bolts!
Of course the date went swimmingly.
Christine got her first kiss!
And the next morning when I sent Christine to start her business 'Christine's Club' she continued her romantic liaison with Annabelle.
It was a huge success! A karaoke machine + Dj booth meant everyone had a good time!
Even our newest neighbor who will remain unnamed.
And with that 1 spot in the Slacker career is unlocked!

Carol is indeed pregnant again. And donates the money that Christine made from her club (a whopping 60k) to the college fund. In this picture we are at 260,000 towards the college fund, and I'm hoping we get to 1 million before the next rotation is finished!

But more mundane things come first. Like Cherish's birthday.
She's a carbon copy of her mother Rishell. I wish these kids would inherit traits from both parents equally, you know what I mean?
Lol Calvin doesn't seem too pleased to have yet another girl around. Who knows Calvin, maybe your mom will give birth to a boy again!
Carrie glitches out. But is smiling nonetheless!
I'm not sure what the point of this picture was but it gives me a chance to say that Rishell is slowly but surely climbing the military branch!
And it's Calvin's birthday!
Don't look so confused, just blow the candles out!
Not bad Calvin! He rolled Knowledge/Popularity (wtf?) with a wish to max all skills. Finally! An LTW I can finish!
Carol had a very easy pregnancy, you'd be surprised at what leaving these sims to their own devices will accomplish sometimes :D

Babs is my most favorite dog ever. Like seriously she is the absolute best and I have never been so attached to a sim pet before in my life.
And it's time for a baby!
Welcome baby Charlotte!
(I should mention here that my power went out without saving at this point so I had to replay this week over. I tried not to change anything but that is why Carol is wearing her everyday clothes in this pic, while in the pic before she is in her sleepwear. Luckily the gender of the baby was the same so I could name her Charlotte again!)
There were a lot of witness's to this birth lol.

Carrie is ready to get bigger, and therefore better.
Instead of singing Happy Birthday Carol opts to whistle it out. Much to Rishell's annoyance.
Happy Birthday Carrie!
Nice outfit. Go change.
Carrie is a Pleasure/Romance (dear god why??!) with an LTW to woohoo 20 sims. Great. Maybe I'll have Christine and Carrie go into business together! This town could use a brothel.
Cutest. Picture. Ever.
Don't argue with me on this.

Even though Christine has something going on with Annabelle they both knew it wasn't serious. And Christine has been having some adventurous wants so I decided to allow some dalliances.
This particular one went well but..
..Annabelle saw it happen and Christine got the 'got caught cheating' memory. I was determined to not have stolen newspapers and garbage on the lawn so I made Christine apologize and use smooth recovery about ten times just to make sure Annabelle forgave her.

Annabelle brought her twin sister Annabeth over today and I thought it might be cute to have Calvin and her together since they are both knowledge sims but with only 1 bolt I didn't have them pursue it. They did become friends though!
During the weekend I abused Rishell's mechanical skills to get them even more moolah. The kids obviously helped out now and then.
By the time Sunday night rolled around they managed to get 15k more in the bank from these cars. So I had Rishell donate 20k more to the college fund to bring the total up to 280,000 donated.
We will get there I promise!
And swing over to the house where Charlotte has grown up into a toddler!
She is actually a decent blend from both parents so I am happy!
And it is now Monday morning which brings this week at the C. family to a close!
Thanks for reading and Happy Simming everyone!
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