Hooray! I'm actually sticking to this challenge!
This time we start with a brand spankin' new family!
Everyone meet Frederick F.!
He's a pleasure sim with the LTW to become a game designer. Easy to accomplish I'm sure.
Frederick was roughly inspired by my 'ideal' pirate. The one that lives in my head in any case.
Frederick: "Not Jack Sparrow then?"
Oh maybe just a touch...

Ever since Aaron opened up the 'Flea Basket' I get a pop-up every time I go play a different family. This time when it asked if I wanted to keep the pet that Frederick bought I said yes.
So Frederick comes with an elderly chihuahua named Bailey.
Dylan was with the welcome wagon but neither of the girls caught Frederick's eye.
With Fred's LTW in mind I built him a very simple house so that he could save up for all that gaming equipment that he needs.
I should mention that I don't plan on having Frederick open a business lot. It just doesn't feel like something he would do.
I may or may not have several pictures of Fred just hanging about in his undies. He's a cutie what can I say?
Here he is trying to earn some money. Along with snagging that open spot in the slacker career (only until he gets the gaming job) he should have enough money to get all that electronic stuff.

He brought home this lovely girl from work, but he wasn't attracted to her.
Luckily she set him up on a blind date.
Unluckily it was with this unfortunate creature.
It was a pleasant date (because presents!!) but it won't go any further than that. They were only a 1-bolt couple after all.
SCORE! 3,000$ in the bank!
Just a picture to prove that Fred has all the necessary stuff to get into the gaming career.

Fred did snag a job that day and in celebration I took him on a legitimate spouse hunt.
It took about five seconds for me to decide who would be his wife.

Fred and Trina here have two bolts! Which is more than good enough for me to continue this courtship.
I have been waiting very patiently for Trina to become available for somebody! I am SO excited to see their babies!
Like so excited that Fred invited her over as soon as he got home! She was promptly moved in.

And after a quick makeover they got to the baby-making!
First time didn't take but the second time did!
I caved and downloaded a s***-ton of custom content last night. But look at how cute she is!
Fred agrees.
And Happy Land has its very Wedding Party!

It was very simple because Trina didn't bring in a lot of money and they were kind of poor.
Bailey was super cute! It's like he wanted to be a part of it;
Trina get the letter F. as her last name and enters the BaCC life.
Lol Fred is a shover.
~le bump
Sorry nothing happened so ~le bump dos
BABS! Just in case you didn't know Babs is my favorite sims dog ever and I LOVE HER!

Well he was an old dog. RIP Bailey you were a good dog for the six days you were here.
But with death comes life. Trina is bringing in the next generation of F's.
Fred is being helpful.
And here is baby Fiona!
And here is baby Flynn!
That's four sets of twins over six households. I don't know why they are so frequent?
But it is the end of this household's turn and in the next chapter we welcome yet another household to the neighborhood!
Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!
Hi =]
ReplyDeleteJust leaving a note to let you know I'm reading your BACC.
I think Happy Land is a wonderful name for your neighborhood.
All the Families are adorable and Sooo many babies- you're so much better at babies than I am- Good job!
I'll be slowly reading it all and waiting for updates. =D
I am loving this so far! You are doing great!!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry! I don't have notifications turned on for this so I had no idea anybody was reading this! Thank you so much!