Welcome back to Happy Land you guys!
Last time at the D. household *quickly checks notes* they opened another business called 'Dat Pottery' that reached level 4. Lora had a baby girl named Diana and twins named Dominic and Delilah.
That pretty much covers it.
Read on!
These two have made remarkably good looking children so far so I allowed them to fulfill that 'baby' want they both have.
Both sims want to join law enforcement but only one spot is open. Since Dylan is marginally older he got dibs XD
I am also somewhat concerned with the rate the college fund is growing. It's not fast enough. So I send Lora off to get 'Dat Pottery' to level 5 for that sweet cash bonus. Plus I really like this business XD
Oh look! It's Emily and Luc! They joined us in the last rotation and are the next household to play! It's nice to see those custom pregnancy clothes are working well!
Derek was getting friendly with this wolf and I wanted to adopt it but he ran away.
Dylan is a sweet papa.
Aww I love those maternity clothes! So fetching!
Please Lora you are going to wrinkle your new maternity clothes!
(Have I said maternity clothes enough?)

It's Derek's birthday!
His cheekbones are weird but he's a handsome kid.
He's also a Pleasure/Popularity that wants to Become the Law (wtf?)
And finally those flippin' babies are growing up!
First up is Dominic!
He's a face clone of Derek (but not a personality one which is nice).
Derek brought Brandi home from school in time to see Delilah grow up.
Whoa what's with the chin?!
Well hopefully she grows into it.
Hooray! Derek left his macaroni unattended and we have our 4th fire!
(Too bad there weren't more, I really want another spot open in LE for Lora)
I have a rule, you start the fire, you put out the fire!
Clearly all that fire business sent Lora into labor.
Lol Derek brought another friend home. Calvin gets to watch his friends mom pop out a baby. Good times.
It's a boy! Welcome Daniel!
Derek and Diana bonding over their shared hatred of homework.
Lora is a really good mom <3
I've been preparing Dylan for the law enforcement job for a while so it's really no surprise when he brings home promotion after promotion. I think he gets to level 4 or five before the chapter is over.
Derek is really popular among the teens in Happy Land. I vaguely remember Christine being a romance/pleasure sim and Derek wanted to go on a date so...
...yeah. Derek gets his first kiss and Christine adds another notch to her belt. Everyone is happy!

Yep. Yet another birthday! Or in this case three!
First up is the baby because Lora is about to slip into the green and I need that radioactive milk inside of Daniel NOW!
Oh dear. He's a copy of Diana. But as a boy he'll still look different so I'm not too upset. Plus Diana is the cutest of the kids so far so it would make sense that Daniel is going to turn out super cute as well.

Next up is Dominic.

And you don't get to see a kid pic because apparently I didn't take one. Sorry!
But he looks exactly like Derek but with a darker skin tone.
And Delilah!
Geez Louise that chin! Where did you even get it from?
Both girls wanted to sell lemonade so I set up a stand.
They did ok.
Daniel is so cute!
~bump. The last child of the D. family is on its way!
And Diana is finally growing up into a teen!
She is gorgeous! But I can't stand that hair covering up her eyes!
She is a Family/Pleasure sim that hasn't rolled a wish yet.
I think my dice are loaded because I keep rolling pleasure sims. Oh well!
Diana- "I'm still the creator's favorite heehee"
Dylan- "That's great dear, just don't let your grades drop"
Dad of the year right here.
A vain little thing aren't you? I can't blame you though!
And as Monday morning creeps in Lora sneaks out of bed for a lowkey slice of cake.
Honey you're pregnant I'm sure they'll understand!
Thanks for reading you guys and Happy Simming!
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