And we're back for Week 3 of Happy Land!
Last time with the 'A' family Cassidy gave birth to the last baby in the A. household, Anita. Annabeth, Annabelle, and Archer all grew up into children and Aaron got a job in the business career with the hope of becoming a business tycoon and unlocking those coveted SM points!
Forward march!
Aww Annabelle and Anita playing with their toys together <3
Here is the house before I remodeled. Archer grew up literally grew up right before the end of the last playthrough so I haven't built him a bedroom yet.

So I expanded. But I forgot to take a picture of the inside *head smack*
But there is now an upstairs with bedrooms for both Archer and Anita (when she gets older) along with a third bathroom.
Anita is kind of cute. I wish she hadn't gotten her mother's nose but she's still ok.
I'm not sure what level Aaron is at but his promotions are starting to come with good chunks of money so I'm guessing kind of high!
Cassidy works on her garden. Not sure why I have it at this point, I just know that I like it when my sims have gardens.
Ok, so I think he's a president. And I believe that's as far as he gets this week (sorry I played this when I was very sleepy and the details escape me).
And I forgot it was the twins' birthday. Sorry girls!
Annabeth goes first!
Aww she actually looks cute in this picture!
She is a knowledge/family sim with the wish to be a Space Pirate! Just like her mum!
Doable, as soon as I open up the next free 'community lot'.
And now for Annabelle!
She looks so enthused lol.
Oh lovely. She's a popularity/romance sim with a want of 20 simultaneous lovers.
Also doable.
But first a trip to 'Dem Threads' for some new clothes.
After some small makeovers the girls play chess together. Besides Christine (who was adopted) these are the first teenagers in Happy Land!
With the nursery rhyme finally learned it's time for Anita's birthday!
She actually gets some cake!
Oh hey Chrisitine *waves*
I think this is so cute!
Bye bye toddler!
Hello more independent child!
Her eyes make her look sad all the time. Hmm.

Here is Archer! He does exist I swear!
Archer brought home Diana (the super cute child from the D. family).
And Anita brought home Carrie, another adopted child from the C. family.
I lied before, Aaron was promoted to President in this picture! But because his LTW is to raise twenty puppies or kittens I had another idea for a business.
A pet store! I've named it 'The Flea Basket'.
I actually had Cassidy buy it so that we could score those money perks!
Because Aaron already knows how to dazzle it took me literally ten minutes to get the business to level 5. So easy you guys!
And with those money perks in the bag they were able to donate a cool 60,000 to the college fund. They are up to 200,000 dollars donated so far! Not bad in my opinion.
*That girl up there is so cute!
I thought Annabelle could get a headstart on her LTW.
And we get a Carmen Patch.
There is only 1 bolt there but I mean Annabelle has 19 more tries to find a 3 bolter.
It was almost too easy you guys.
I forgot about Ada being pregnant again!
I hate Aaron's LTW. But I've also only ever completed it once before so it's kind of a challenge for me.
Ada had a boy puppy I've named Aji.
I remember that Aaron has a career object just laying around in his inventory so I put it upstairs and Aaron immediately goes to play on it. He knows what's up.
And the most ignored child finally gets the spotlight!
I'm loving the pink pj's my man!
Archer's sisters are a wonderful audience.

Good luck my man!
Not bad!
Oh my god that nose.
I kind of like it.
Archer aged up a Family/Pleasure sim (?) and I think I'm leaning towards him as the heir.
Cassidy kept rolling the wish for a job so I let her get one in the only career that is perma-unlocked (military). So on this early Monday morning Cassidy goes to work and that is the end of the week for the A. family!
Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!
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