Welcome back to Happy Land!
I need to rename this city. Maybe when I get a mayor it'll be a new decree!
And we are back with the B. family! Brittney married an ugly elderly man named Merlin. But it's still sweet somehow. They really love each other. Anyways she's pregnant with their first child.
I also downloaded some custom skin. I really am not a fan of the original maxis. I'm not sure if I like it yet or not.

I didn't take a picture of the house last time. Here's a kind of view. They are still relatively poor at this point, even with Merlin's money.
I took some pictures of townie's to see if I like the skin.

I do on this one. I guess I'll let it stay for now.
It made Merlin like .05% more attractive so there is that.

I am so sorry for the ceiling shots. It's so difficult for me to take pictures in the sims 2. I'll work on it I swear!

Brittney adopted a male cat to have babies with Batsy. Ironically he's an elder cat, which I didn't know when Brittney adopted him, but I like that it mirrors the sim relationship XD
His name is something weird like Efras or something. He's cute though.

Baby time!

How did you produce a baby that pale?
Anyways welcome baby girl Brandi! I guess Merlin was either a natural blonde or redhead because baby Brandi has blonde hair.
Shortly after getting her pre-baby body back Brittney made a trip to her store 'Nifty and Thrifty'.
She made quite a bit of progress with! She got it to level 6 before going back home.
That 50,000 perk didn't hurt either!
Although I had Brittney immediately donate it to the college fund. I've decided that the college fund will be entirely voluntary. Which means they will donate as they see fit. Right now there is 70,000 in the fund.
It took a little while for these two to warm up to each other but they finally did! Kittens are on the way!
And some more babies apparently.
Brandi is ready to grow up.
And it glitched so we try again!
*crosses fingers that she's not hideous*
Well she got the fish lips but otherwise is pretty cute!
Overhead view of the house. They expanded since that first shot. Nothing matches and I love it!
With smart milk it didn't take long for Brandi to learn her skills.
Which of course freed up Brittney to do some sowing. She has a gold badge at this point and starts making those high dollar quilts! Cha-ching!
Brandi bonds with Batsy. Batsy fears for her life.
I nearly forgot about potty training tbh. Good show Merlin!

~le 24 hours later~

Who the hell is that behind you Brittney?
Prepare for many ceiling appearances. I'm actually bad at this game hahahaha
Good lord that blonde hair must be pretty dominant. Welcome Bailey!
But wait there's more!
And little girl Bridgette!
Our second set of twins!
I do have the quad hack installed but so far no triplets or quads. It's a pretty low chance anyway.
Brittney takes the chance to play with Efras.
And it's time once again! This week is just flying by!
But I suppose Brandi isn't as bad off as she could be.
I gave her a sweet little room.
At least with Batsy there's not a chance of these babies turning out ugly. We have kittens.
She had two little boy kitties I've named Bing and Bong.
And at the end of the week it was time for the babies birthday!

First up is Bridgette
Come one Bailey! Please take after your mother!
Jesus Christ on a cracker. She got the ears at least *rolls eyes*
And we end the B. week me angrily glaring at Merlin for passing on his dreadful genes.
At least they're happy I guess.
Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!
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