This challenge is so much fun I swear!
I literally can't stop playing it.
So here's another chapter!
Get ready for your pretty new hair-do Carol!
Good show! Last time Carol and her wife Rishell adopted Christine and naturally had Calvin! They also started a grocery store named 'Gallant Grocery' that reached level 4.
Here is Rishell. She's very lovely with all that new CC on her XD
And Christine is just adorable. The cutest kid in the neighborhood is adopted! I also realize that Rishell's portrait in the back has that stupid thing in it. It was repainted before going on the wall.
Rishell got a makeover. It suits her much better I think.
And another nooboo is on its way!
I have a ton of picture of Rishell. I guess I just really liked her this rotation? Idk.
I remodeled their house! That pink room on the right is Christine's. Carol and Rishell were moved to the bigger room right above Christine's. When Calvin get bigger he'll have his own room at the top left corner.
She is just precious I'm sorry
Carol went to 'Gallant Grocery' to get it up to level 5 for that cool 50k cash bonus. Also found out she was attracted to the evil witch here. Interesting development.
Nothing happened but she did get the business up to level 7!
Rishell got skunked lol.
Carol donated 20k to the college fund. It's at 90,000 now total. Slow going eh?
Christine is the painter of the house. She painted Rishell's new portrait actually.
So this dog walked by...
...and Carol managed to adopt him! His name is Babs and the family loves him.
I realized somewhere while playing that there are four households so I built the 'free' community lot! It's a military base which means the military career is unlocked!
Just to prove that is has some stuffing. Beds and toilets and a crap ton of workout equipment yeah?

Back at the main household it's time for Christine's birthday!

*Sigh* Of course the baby comes right at this moment.
Oh dear.
Don't know who to say Happy Birthday to.
We'll start with the baby. Happy Birthday baby girl Cherish!
And you too Christine!
She grew up a Romance/Fortune Sim! She wants to be Professional Party Guest, which is the perfect opportunity to build another community lot.
Makeover first.

I've always liked this outfit.

I know she's a romance sim but I think glasses suit her.

This is actually the next night, not the same night.
Also the first time you see toddler Calvin in this chapter. Whoops.
Happy Birthday Calvin!
He got a dope room though! That makes up for forgetting about him right?
Just a pretty shot of the house. The greenhouse is awkwardly placed but I kind of like it somehow?
Cherish is indeed Cherished.

Despite Rishell not being the most attractive sim I find myself taking lots of pictures of her. I really like her. Oh and you can see Calvin's makeover kind of.
First burglary! I almost never get burglars! Just two more and a Law Enforcement slot opens up!
I didn't know if calling the police was allowed or not. Carol didn't care about the rules she called them anyway.
He just stole the 'ATM' when the police guy showed up.

Looks like the law is winning!
That's what you get you extremely attractive dirty rotten burglar!
Christine is always the first one to take care of Cherish. Romance sim my butt.
I want science to be unlocked for Calvin so he's working on his logic.
So I built 'Christine's Club' but it's going to be a bit before they can afford it. Hopefullly those eggplants finish growing soon.

I caved and adopted another child. Christine turned out so well that I wanted to see if I would get lucky again.

Lo' and behold! Welcome to the family Carrie C.!

Rishell gives hugs first.

But Carol wasn't far behind with some dancing.
I decided to give Christine her own teen room. Carrie will move into Christine's old blindingly pink room.
I should have gotten a makeover pic of Carrie. She's very cute I promise.
I'm not as confident with Cherish though.
Yeah she's a face clone of Rishell. But that's ok. I seem to be partial to Rishell anyways XD

Babs sure seems to like her <3

Calvin hasn't gotten a lot of face-time. Sorry Calvin!
Rishell had a want to get a job so I let her join the career we just unlocked! She came back with a promotion so yay us!
First fire finally! Opposite of burglaries, I'm actually really unlucky with fires.
While fixing the shower Carol realized she likes tinkering. Hmm. Maybe we can work with that.
Yeah. That's all it needs is a little wrench smacking.
And early Monday morning Rishell sold the last of the eggplants. And they have just enough for Christine to buy her first business, 'Christine's Club'. Hell of a gift yeah?
And the school bus pulls up as Christine finalizes the sale!
The week is up for the C. family!
Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!
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