Welcome back to Happy Land! A euphemism for I don't know what I'm doing but hopefully it gets better!
Last time at the D. household Dylan married Lora, got Happy Land's first clothing store to level 10, and had their first child, Derek.
Now that you are caught up let's get to it!
I forgot how pregnant Lora was!
Geez. I'm still not a huge fan of toddlers tbh. But here is Derek.
Here is a pic of the house at this time. It's pretty nice actually.
Lora had a really rough pregnancy. I'm trying not to maxmotives so much with this challenge but these sims are making it hard.
Then I remembered this object exists!
Just in time too!
Aww welcome baby Diana!
Now that Lora isn't super pregnant I thought we could get a jump start on her pottery store. I've aptly named it 'Dat Pottery'.
I really like how it turned out <3
Lora got it to level 4 before she ran out of stock! Which I thought was pretty good!

Derek is a creepy little toddler. Something about his face is unsettling.

Which is why I was so excited for his birthday! Maybe he'll grow into his face a little bit.

One last skilling session to get into platinum and...
...Happy Birthday Derek!
Well he kind of grew into it. He's a sweet kid personality wise so I'm not so creeped out anymore.
Plus he fists pumps when he makes his bed which is super cute.
I totally forgot about Diana's birthday, and I'm really upset because she grew up absolutely adorable. I had low expectations with Lora because she has the Sandy Bruty face but her kids so far are not bad at all. Unlike Merlin's brood over at the B. house.
Because Lora has been so good at making cute babies (and as family sims both Lora and Dylan want another baby) I allowed another pregnancy. Heck maybe I'll let them have the full six kids.
Dylan is getting those skills out of the way.
I'm sorry but Diana is too precious not to follow around.
Dylan- I heard the lullaby the other night. You doing ok?
Lora- Oh yeah. Just puking my guts up every thirty minutes no biggie.
Pregnancy sounds horrible. You momma's out there are superheroes!
I can't stop myself.
Wasn't kidding about the amount that Lora was puking. She has horrible pregnancies.
Finally she can stop puking!
They really dote on Diana in this house.
I tried to make this pregnancy easier for Lora. Lots of bubble baths were had.
2nd fire in Happy Land! One more and a spot in Law Enforcement opens up!
This picture would have been so much cuter if the sky wasn't peeking through. I'm working on fixing my camera angles in-game but I think there is something wonky with my screen.
But a cute picture no?

Dylan's hobby is tinkering so he is finishing up the body work on this car.

Lora goes into labor on Monday morning at 4 o'clock.
And baby Dominic is born! He's the first baby to inherit Lora's skin tone.
But wait! There's more!
This is little girl Delilah!

It was at this point that I realized that Diana is also due to age up.

She was already in the white so I just had her age up on the ground.
Dylan gets some quality time with Diana before the school bus gets here.
And it's eight in the morning on Monday which means time is up for the D. family this week.
I'll give stats at the end of this week's rotation, which means at the end of the E. family's week next chapter.
D. family gave us the neighborhood's third set of twins (I have the quad hack but I haven't changed the global odds or anything) and it's seventh business. Hopefully the A. family will give us a business tycoon at the start of the next rotation and we can get this challenge on the road!
Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!
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