And because my impatient self can't wait for any decent amount of time here is the last founder of Happy Land!
This is Dylan D. Yet another family sim with an obsession for bird watching. At least he's cute though right?
He wants to send three children to college. Um, probably not possible this time around but we'll try super hard!
My founders have been extremely lucky in their welcome wagons. Dylan had three bolts for Lora here. Let's let them get to it eh?

Aaron comes to welcome his newest neighbor! Only to be ignored while Dylan courts his new love.
This took almost no time at all.
Dylan and Lora get hitched.
And start their contribution to the population!

The first community lot they open will be a clothing store because I'm sick of these clothes but after that I want them to open a pottery store so I have Lora get to work on it.
(She brought like 19,000 to the household you go girl!)
She literally ate, slept, and molded clay for the duration of her pregnancy XD
Not kidding. Lora stops her pottery madness to give birth!
To baby Derek!
Dylan finally makes his way to his new clothing store 'Dem Threads'.
A few back and forths from home to reboost his needs and aspiration and he manages to get the business to level 5!
Derek's birthday has arrived.
Um. Not sure if he is cute or not. But I'm happy nonetheless!
Especially since Derek has a baby brother or sister on the way.
I was determined to do well this challenge so I had Derek going nonstop to get 'Dem Threads' up to level 10. It took me IRL close to an hour of constant dream dates, energy boosters, and going back and forth from the home lot to the community lot to get there.
But I got there! This lady here (Janet, Jane? Idk) gave us that last star!
Proof! (kind of)
We have Happy Land's first level 10 business!
Derek celebrated by slow-dancing with his lovely lady wife.
Despite her Sandy Bruty face I think they are rather sweet :D
And that is it for the D. family! And we start the rotation over next time with the A. family!
Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!
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