Friday, September 7, 2018

Bacc: Week 8. 'A.2'

Hello! Welcome back to Happy Land!

This week we are with the A.2 family!

Hello Annabeth!

The Prof.




And the twins, Ashley and Anthony.

Aiko is still super cute! Which is why I had Annabeth get her a 'special friend'

Bailey is now a part of the house! Hopefully they will like each other, I haven't had a lot of luck with pets  getting along in this game.

Allyssa's birthday came quickly this week.

Not bad! She is a Popularity/Pleasure sim with a want to be...Mayor. Well. By the time she graduates college maybe the position will be open?

I gave her a makeover <3

Annabeth! Well that's another fire to add to the list. I've actually lost count, I can't remember how many fires that is.

But the Prof. topped his career! Both adults are platinum!

Anthony got some last minute snuggles in!

I love it when the toddlers grow up. So much relief. 

Ashley's turn.

Daww. These kids aren't half bad..

Aiko gave birth to a single female kitten that I've named Aki.

On Sunday the older set of twins got a party!

Amber turned out surprisingly pretty!

She is a Fortune/Grilled Cheese sim who wants to be a Space Pirate. That must run in the family I swear.

I forgot to take a picture of teen Andrew, but he is a clone of the Prof. if that gives you a hint. He is also a Knowledge/Popularity sim who wants to be a General.

I wanted the Prof. to use his career reward. I hardly ever get sims that want the architecture career so it's a little novel to me.

Annabeth busted out her tunes in her bathrobe. I was amused.

Monday morning and the kids hopped on the bus. Well that's it for this week!

Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!

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