We are getting these second generation chapters OUT!
This time we are with Brandi B.'s little family.
Last time Brandi married her roommate Chris and they adopted this cutie pie. His name is Brick.
But Brandi became pregnant herself! She should be having that baby any hour now.
She has time off work so she took the time to teach Brick some last minute skills.
Hmm. It's been almost thirty hours and no baby..she's glitched. Grand.
This only fix I've found is to move the pregnant sim to another lot and they go into labor immediately. Like Brandi here.
Aww it's a little boy! His name is Brian.
(It's a little bit funny that Brandi has two boys since her mother, Brittney, has had nine children. And only one of them was a boy XD)
Lol Brandi and the nanny do NOT get along.
And before you know it it's Brick's birthday!
He is super cute <3
Just a reminder that Binky still exists.
That birthday came quickly!
Oh. He's cuter than I'd thought he'd be! I was convinced he would inherit Brandi's fish lips. Too bad he didn't get the elf ears though.
The very first thing he did was bother Binky. She wasn't a fan.
I was so confused when I saw the pizza guy and then I remembered that apartment dwellers get a party on Saturdays. Free food, cool.
...yeah it was a boring three days. Chris got promoted! But other than that it was just a lot of skilling. Happy Birthday Brian!
The brothers side by side. Both are super cute, but Brick is a neat freak, which puts him in my good graces. And after a roll of the dice it is indeed Brick who will be staying with mom and mom when he grows up.
Having kids in an apartment sucks. I think I will move them to an actual house next round.
Big News! There are officially 12 households which means that a community lot is unlocked! I've already done a Military Base and a Museum. This time, I've done a Bowling Alley/Poker Place/Dart Throwing venue. Officially unlocking the Athletic Career.
Brandi snagged a job in her dream career and dragged her family to the new lot to test it out!
Brick immediately went to the bowling lanes.
Brian snagged a burger. Why are you in your nighties?
Chris and Brian joined Brick and bowled for a long time.
Chris: "I think I pulled something!"
Weed out the weak I say.
Brandi just sort of did her own thing. Mostly drinking coffee and playing darts.
Not sure if playing poker against the 'Unsavory Charlatan' is a good idea.
All in all a good trip to the Athletic Lot.
Monday morning is here and Brick made himself a massive muffin.
Brandi got some red hands in before I had to leave.
Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!
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