Friday, October 6, 2017

Bacc: Week 6. 'D'

What's up with the D. house? Let's find out!

Introducing this chapter is Daniel and Daria. They are BOTH clones of their eldest sister Diana. But they are extremely good-looking, so I can't complain too much. 

Delilah and Dominic are still here, but they will be shipped off to college this week so you won't see too much of them. Delilah is the heiress for this household.

Somebody brought Gwendolyn home. She's having a good time it seems.

Dylan is still rocking that superhero life, but he's off today. So he plays video games.

Oh look! There's Delilah! She is actually a fair mix between her parents, even if she is a bit funny looking. I've already paired her off with Archer A. but she needs to graduate college before they can 'hook up'. He's kind of funny looking too and I can't wait to see their kids XD.

BTW: I forgot to take pictures but both Delilah and Dominic went to college after this pic. Poor Dominic got no face-time whatsoever in this chapter. Sorry!

And this is... one of the G. kids. Can't remember his name atm.

But I know hers! This is Blanche! She is pretty in a blood-elf kind of way.

And mean. Very mean.

!!!!! Lora is a captain hero now!!!!! Get it girl!

Daniel started a fight with one of the island teens. He lost.

I love how pretty Dollop is so I adopted a little boy kitten to hopefully have kittens with. His name is DJ. It says he's 'aggressive' which stinks, but he was the only male kitten available :/

Speaking of aggressive... could you chill with the noogies Daria?

Ya know, I hated on her for a while because she is a clone but I really like her look. I tried to give her a very distinct look to separate her from her sister and it's working for me.

Daww <3

I'm going to try and get the solid 10g in scholarships with Daria so she got a teen job in military.

Shot a few hoops after.

And she noogied Gabriel. She has two-bolts with him but he has a little thing with Anita. But she's off to college... I don't know. We'll see what happens.

The couple that stops crime together...

... stays together.

And starts a smustle huddle XD

I fricken love kittens.

See how pretty Dollop is?! Can't wait to see what DJ looks like, and to see their kittens!

Daria has another scholarship she can get!

You're a knowledge sim, don't look so disturbed.

BTW this is one of my favorite spacecraft designs in any video game. It's just so quintessentially sci-fi. 

Yeah... she started working on her next scholarship immediately.

She got promoted!

Daniel: "Are you going to pay attention to me?"

Well... ok. What do you want?

Daniel: "I want to win a cooking contest"

Can do.

I'm actually surprised he won, he only has eight cooking points. Well done Daniel!

Back at home Dylan is relaxing. 

Dylan: "Please stop taking pictures of sims in the bathroom!"


Lora is being a bamf. Dollop continues to be beautiful.

Really? Chips for breakfast?

At least Dylan and Lora ate something more breakfasty.

And that is all! We'll see more of the D's next week.

Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!

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