Hello! Welcome to the first household of Week 6! Last time the twins Annabeth and Annabelle went to college and Archer stayed at home to wait for his beloved, Delilah, to grow up.
Cassidy finally got her dream job in the adventure career and Aaron is just living a comfortable life as a business tycoon.
And here is the man himself! I basically just let him do whatever. We make some serious headway into his ridiculous LTW this chapter so hooray for that.
In case you forgot his LTW is to raise twenty puppies or kittens and I believe that by the end of the chapter the count hits 10. Oh my god I hate this LTW.
And here is our little heiress. Anita already has all the skills she needs to get scholarships for college so she is following in her father's footsteps and doing whatever she wants until she leaves for college.
Cassidy is...I don't really know what she's doing. She's pretty far along in her adventure career but doesn't top it this chapter. Maybe next time.
And Archer. I still love him, but he's a useless lump this chapter.
Here is a current view of the house.
The upstairs is somewhat bare but I haven't figured out what to do with it yet.
Gabriel came home with Anita from school and started doing tai chi with Cassidy. What a sweet kid.
I thought these two would get on quite well since they are both knowledge sims but they only have 1-bolt.
Lol didn't stop them from getting some smooches in.
I totally forgot that Gabriel was a secondary Grilled Cheese sim. I love this animation haha.
Ami had puppies! A girl named Amia and a boy named Adder.
I remembered that Anita had one more scholarship she could grab before heading off to school.
Archer was so worried! Her parents were just annoyed at the noise.
See you at the end of the round! I hope you enjoy college!
She earned 8,750 in scholarships which leaves a measly 1,250 for her parents to finish off the 10,000 tuition fee.
Later that morning we had our first doggy death. RIP Adda.
But that opened up a spot for Ami to get pregnant again.
Amia and Adder grew up! And were immediately sold.
The next day Ami gave birth to a solitary puppy. A boy named Acer.
Acer has white fur as a puppy which I haven't seen yet, so I'm interested to see how he grows up.
Yes, Appa joins Adda in doggy heaven. It makes me sad but more room for puppies and finishing up this stupid LTW makes me happy.
Archer still exists and is largely just wondering about.
Monday morning began with more dog coitus.
And Cassidy tending to her garden. A rather boring week at the A. house but next week should be more exciting, with Anita moving back in from college and possible grandchildren!
Thanks for reading and Happy Simming.
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