Friday, July 21, 2017

Bacc: Week 5. 'College A'

And we are back at Euphoric University. This is going to be a very brief chapter since I still have two more college lots to play this round.

*Cracks neck and knuckles*

Let's do this!

Annabelle did roll the wish to go to college, but I'm pretty sure she had nothing but pretty college girls on the brain. Her LTW of having twenty lovers at the same time is daunting, but college is the best place to do it!

Annabeth wants to follow in her mother's footsteps and become a Space Pirate! But even space pirates need to have basic knowledge of astrophysics and space geography. So college it is!

Their meager scholarships got them a meager dwelling.

Annabelle was irritated that her sister got a full bathroom and she didn't so she started digging. She was somewhat successful.

And the romancing began! (Although I didn't get a picture of her getting romantic, it did happen!)

Annabeth was a very focused student. Hence why most of this chapter is me following Annabelle around since she required more of my attention and intervention.

Aww her first three-bolter!

Weird story, Annabelle is completely gay, but she was attracted to this man. It was the only time she had bolts for a male during the entirety of her college career. Bizarre no?

Lots of this happened too.

But Annabeth was not left out. She and her professor were really sweet on each other. I'm also a huge fan of the 'forbidden teacher-student relationship' trope.


Annabelle gave the neighborhood their fifth fire. Nice going Annabelle.

I gave the girls a makeover. I think they look quite fetching!

Lol she was 'kidnapped' but since there was no lot for it she just got into the limo and then came right back out. XD

Finally they graduated! Sum Cumme Laude both of them!

I gave Annabeth a graduation party because I felt like she would've appreciated it more. And because if Annabelle had one all of her lovers would've killed each other lol.

Annabeth cemented her relationship with her professor.

Aaron and Cassidy (the twins' parents) had a great time raiding their childrens' refrigerator. 

Little sister Anita stopped by as well. She's looking very attractive in this picture!

Archer camped out on the couch. I still love that outfit on him XD

Congrats Annabeth! Now she can go off and live an adventurous life in the stars.

...Next round though.

Annabelle had one last conquest to make to become perma-plat! Now that that is over with she wants to become a media magnate. Ugh.

Before she moved out she moved in one of her platonic male friends to be the placeholder until the next 'A' children arrive. 

Jim Centowski is a fortune sim who wants to be a Superstar Athlete.

Of course I had to make him over before Annabelle left the house.

But leave the house she eventually did. Now she is waiting in the sim bin with her sister until I get to them next round.

Next up we have the 'College C' students since the B. family didn't send anyone to college last round. 

Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!

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