Friday, June 23, 2017

Bacc: Week 5. 'B'

Hello and welcome back to Happy Land! *serious cringe*

We are back with the B. family! Last time Brittney, the household founder, got the funds needed to found this city's first university! She did so with the help of her new husband Jerry after her previous husband Merlin passed away from old age. Merlin left three children behind, Brandi and the twins Bridgette and Bailey. Brittney then drank a bunch of that green stuff so that she could help Jerry with his LTW which is to marry off six children. Thus yet ANOTHER pair of twins were born. Bo and Blanche grew up into adorable toddlers and we are now caught up.

That was a mouthful. Let's move on shall we?

Here is Bo! Looking very photogenic in that pile of leaves. Now get inside before the social worker comes!

Jerry is giving Blanche some attention. She looks JUST like Brittney except she is pale and has red hair like her dad.

Brandi is on the left in the green robe, Bailey is the yellow robe, and Bridgette is the normally dressed one. Even though they aren't the most attractive they are really growing on me. 

Brittney is currently kicking ass in the military. She might even top it this time around! Despite having several sims in that career not a single one has topped it yet.

There are four cats currently living in the house right now. Batsy, Bing, Bong, and Bali. The one Jerry is playing with is either Bing or Bong I can't tell.

Somebody brought Eric home from school with them and he played with the toddlers for a bit. It was cute! 

Jerry gets those final skills finished before the twins' birthdays tonight.

Both Bailey and Bridgette are knowledge sims and have rolled the want to go to college so they are skilling away. Hopefully they won't have to pay too much for tuition.

GET IT GIRL! Brittney has just become a General! That unlocks a position in Intelligence! 

Birthday time!

First up is Bo.

He's very cute!

Next up is his twin Blanche!

Also adorable.

I love these girls! Too bad Brandi is growing up and moving out. But this is a Bacc so she will make an appearance later on.

Happy Birthday Brandi!

It's too bad she didn't roll the wish to go to college. Looks like I'm going to have to use those CAS sims to start some more households because Brandi's LTW is to be a Star Athlete. Ugh.

And she grew up in her underwear. Swell.

After a quick makeover she is ready to go.

See you in a few chapters!

Blanche is looking pretty adorable in her new threads.

She also brought home Gwendolyn from the G. household.

I see where Brandi got her underwear thing from.

Bridgette is a very chill sim. She is knowledge/popularity so she like to socialize (like with Diana D. here).

But she also likes to be by herself too. 

What are gender norms?

I have to drag Bo away from the dollhouse I swear!

And it is Monday morning which means the week is up for the B. family.

Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!

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