Friday, June 1, 2018

Bacc: Week 8. 'B'

The B. family made a little bit of progress this week! I swear this family is just dragging, but I guess that's what nine kids does to you.

Anyways, let's see how these kids are doing yeah?

Brittney B. is an elder, but unlike Aaron A. from last chapter she won't be dying this time around.

On the couch are two of the quads, Brianna and Brock.

Belle and Blanche are loving on the kitties.

Jerry and Becca, the heiress for this family, are enjoying a lively game of chess.

And Bo is getting his exercise in before the bus comes.

Cute interaction, but it kind of gets on my nerves.

Blanche brought Caracas home with her, but they didn't click. I feel bad for her because she's had that 'Fall in Love' wish in her panel for a while now.

Well she and Bo are off to college this round so maybe she'll meet somebody there.

Jerry is a nice little stay-at-home dad. I just let him do whatever he wants.

Becca became friends with Andrew A.

God these kids are young enough to be the same age as the next gen. Kind of ridiculous.

Bong died the next morning. I was sad, but also happy. This house is mega-crowded.

I downloaded a bunch of teen clothes and Bo got to be my guinea pig. I think he looks exactly like the kind of emo-douche I would have drooled over in highschool :D

Blanche is getting her mother's portrait finished. I've been pretty bad about these so I'm going to try and make up for it this round.

Bing passed away. A day after his brother, which I found odd since they were born on the same day.

At first I was excited for Blanche, but the I realized that this was Brian B. and Blanche is his aunt.

Blanche: "You're disgusting!"

My bad! There's literally 130 sims in this neighborhood! I forget who's who sometimes.

Blanche: "College will be my saving grace, I'll find a nice man and settle down."

I know you will! I'll make sure it happens!

Bo was too cool to talk to me before he left.

All in all they had to pay 9,250 for the both of them to go to college. Bo didn't get nearly as many scholarships as his sister.

Jerry is about to join Brittney in saggy bottoms and tapioca.

Haha Brian is stoked to see his step-grandpa get old.

Not bad Jerry!

He's pretty great as a dad.

And sweet as a husband. Brittney chose well.

All these kiddos came home with the quads and none of them interacted with them.

Finally! These kids are ready to grow up!

First up is Belle.

Wow! She really grew into her face!

She is a Fortune sim that wants to become the Hand of Poseidon.

Haven't had that one yet!

Brianna is next.

Holy. Cow.

Talk about growing into your face! She's gorgeous!

Brianna is a Romance sim that wants 20 lovers. I can work with that.

Now Becca!

She looks a lot like Belle so I knew she'd turn out nice too.

She is also a Fortune sim who wants to become a Business Tycoon. Fitting for a BaCC.

And finally, Brock.

He's a cutie too! Reminds me of Zevran from Dragon Age actually!

He is a popularity sim who want to become a Hall of Famer.

Lovely! All of these are easily done!

*Thinks about making a brothel for all of these Romance sims in the hood

Look at all their cute teen outfits! I love them!

Brianna gets started on that LTW the next day. Grant G. was more than willing to help a girl out.

They would make some cute kiddos...ah we'll see.

Brock had brought Heather home from school as well, but their attraction wasn't too strong.

They just ended up as friends.

Shame, I think Heather is positively stunning.

I forgot they adopted a kitten! His name is Boor and this is him all grown up. Too bad he and Baba don't get along, but I've worked around that before.

We end the week with Becca and Brock hanging out next to the pet cemetary. Hehe.

Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!

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