Welcome to another new household!
Well, sort of new. These guys are native to Happy Land but they are fresh out of college and ready to start lives of their own!
On this particular lot we have Carrie C., Calvin C., and Derek D.
Carrie and Derek still have three-bolts. Too bad Carrie needs to sleep with four more guys before she's platinum.
Derek got a job in the 'Law' and came back with a promotion and a work friend.
Calvin is already perma-plat but his new life goal is to reach the top of Journalism.
And there is something else locked in his want panel.
Calvin invites his island love, Lydia, over and she quickly is added to the family!
Lol of course they go straight to the bed! At least they got their makeovers first XD
I sent Carrie to 'Basically Basic' to scout for woohoo buddies and she ran into her heavily pregnant sister instead. They chatted for a bit and then Carrie went home.
Looks like Calvin and Lydia had too much fun.
~le bump
They are so autonomous. It's sweet <3
Carrie has been greeting every guy that walks by in hopes of boltage. She became friends with the blonde/dread guy before they left.
I realized I wanted this baby to have the C. last name so Calvin popped the question.
These two are pretty cute themselves. I'm still debating on whether or not to let them breed. Idk.
Carrie is a bit too preoccupied for babies I think.
Btw Carrie, why would you seduce someone in that terrible outfit?!
I quickly gave her a job in Entertainment. Calvin needs someone to top one of the pre-determined careers before he can get into journalism so...Carrie volunteered. Plus money.
And Derek tops his career! He is now perma-plat.
Wow. Carrie topped hers in one night. That's insane.
Calvin scooted down to the Military Base to get his spot in Journalism.
He looked snazzy in his new suit. His wife, on the other hand, can't be bothered to put clothes on.
Geez you guys! Calvin tops his career in one day!
Carrie and Derek get some lovin' in. I'm shocked Derek hasn't noticed her wandering eyes yet.
Aww look at that bump!
She looks big. Maybe it's the lighting.
Or not.
This would be nice and all except...
...kill me
Well at least there are four adult willing to help.
I knew if Carrie didn't get these woohoo's out of the way now, she never would. So I sent her to a business lot and one by one knocked them out.
This is the last guy. At least she can't get pregnant with a full house.
Yes yes, you're nice and silvery now.
The excitement never ends.
Calvin is a plant-sim! The first one in the neighborhood!
I know I haven't introduced them yet so here they are.
From left to right: Cactus, Camellia, Cannibus, and Canna.
Since they were born in the garden I thought I'd give them plant names.
1,000,000 bottles later....
Camellia grows up first!
Then Cactus.
And finally Cannabis.
And that's it for this family. We'll see them again in Week 7!
Next time we have another D. sibling, and she is raring to go!
Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!