Saturday, August 12, 2017

Bacc: Week 6. 'B'

Ok so this was supposed to be a short chapter but stuff happened. 

Welcome to Week 6 in Happy Land and the sixth chapter for the B. family.


Our Matriarch playing with the cat in her undies. Put some clothes on Brittney for goodness sake!

Jerry is also playing with the cats but he is dressed appropriately.

I knew this was coming but it made me sad :'(

Batsy was the oldest pet in the neighborhood but her legacy will live on in her two kitties. That she hated.

At least she died before the kids came home. Hi Bailey!

And Bridgette!

Bo got an A+

As did Blanche!

Jerry is happy to see his progeny doing well.

Gabriel and Daria came home with the twins one day. Daria freaks me out because she is a clone of Diana.

Harry came home with Bo I think. But he was more interested in chess than playing with his classmate.

Aww Batsy came to visit! Which reminds me...

Everyone has a want for a kitten, and with Batsy passed on there is an open spot in the house. So we have a kitty on the way.

Bailey and Bridgette both have one day left before they grow up so I decided to grant a wish they both had. They got into private school, and then never got to attend it XD

Bailey: "You ready to go sis?"

Bridgette: "Hell yeah! Just let me finish my concerto!"

Both girls had exactly 7,250$ in scholarships which left a measly 5,500$ for the B. family to pay out.

See you girls at the end of the round!

Of course, Jerry's stupid LTW means that he needs four more children. Ugh.

Brittney: "Wait, you realize if I have four more kids that I will have had nine children?!"

Jerry: "I've always wanted a big family!"


She immediately ran to the loo after the 'try for baby' was done lol. I guess she's pregnant!

Blanche and Bo are behind on their homework. Wait..what is that?

OMG what are you doing Bo?!



One last look at the kids before they grow up!

Bo is glitched out, maybe growing up will fix that.

I made him go first just to make sure.

Aww he's a cutie pie! And now glitch free!

Bo is a Family/Fortune sim that wants to be a Hall of Famer.

Now Blanche!

She is a clone of her mother. And yet, is less pretty to me somehow?

Doesn't really matter I guess. Blanche is a Family/Romance sim (?) who wants to...omg...marry off six children.


After their makeovers they immediately sit down to skill.

Merlin came to visit. Too bad his kids are already moved out.

Bali gives birth to a single female kitten. I've named her Baba, which was stupid of me because Baba means father/dad in Chinese so it makes no sense.

But Baba is totally cute though.

Babies are contagious!

~le bump

Yeah nothing happened in 24 hours. 

~le bump dos

I love it when it lightning strikes and then it immediately stops raining. Luckily Brittney had the presence of mind to try and put it out.

She may have had some help though.

Yes. You are very cool Brittney.

So it wasn't storming or anything and the lot suddenly lit up all funny. It went away almost immediately but it was very strange.

Time for a new baby!

Oh no. No no no no no.


Welcome the first baby. Brock.

Blanche is holding Becca.

And Brianna.

And Belle.

Yep. You're looking at the neighborhoods first set of quadruplets. 

You know Jerry, when I said that you needed four more kids to complete your LTW I didn't mean have them all at once!!

Thank god for the twins otherwise Jerry and Brittney would be dead.

I have no pictures of the next couple days because I was trying to keep everyone alive. But I did manage a quick picture of grown up Baba. She looks like a decent mix between her parent Bong and Bali.

Birthday extravaganza!

Brock went first.

And Becca!


And Belle.

Here is Becca and Brock with their makeovers.

And Belle and Brianna.

And as it is Monday morning it is time to wrap this week up for the B. family. Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!